
ドメインシャドウイング: ひそかにドメインを侵害しサイバー犯罪に悪用する方法

Domain Shadowing: A Stealthy Use of DNS Compromise for Cybercrime

Domain shadowing

Protection from domain shadowing

For the owner of the domain the existence of hidden subdomains may be hard to detect 
because the cybercriminals avoid interfering with the victim’s website or server.

Aside from regular checks, the only ways the hacking is likely to become apparent is 
through user complaints or by the domain being blocked (because of associated malicious activity). 

Therefore, for domain owners, the main remedy against domain-shadowing attacks is 
to ensure account security by using strong passwords with two-factor authentication and 
observing all rules of digital hygiene, thus preventing abuse by outsiders.

CategoryDns CategoryWatch CategoryTemplate

MoinQ: DNS/hijacking/shadowing (last edited 2023-09-13 12:27:53 by ToshinoriMaeno)